Dr. Habib Levy Collection for Jewish Iranian History and Heritage

Laura and David Merage and the Levy Family inaugurate the Dr. Habib Levy Collection for Jewish Iranian History and Heritage
27 November 2012
David and Laura Merage with TAU President Joseph Klafter

The first and only library in Israel dedicated to Iranian history, the Dr. Habib Levy Collection for Jewish Iranian History and Heritage was recently inaugurated by Dr. Levy’s granddaughter, Laura Merage, and her husband David. The collection, donated by the Merage and Levy families, comprises the private library of the late Dr. Levy, including rare books on Persian culture and Jewish history, as well as personal effects belonging to Dr. Levy.  


At the inauguration ceremony, Laura Merage (pictured below), a member of the TAU Board of Governors, said she felt her grandfather's collection belonged at Tel Aviv University, since it serves as a leading academic center of Persian studies. Its books will serve as another tremendous resource for faculty of the University's Alliance Center for Iranian Studies and students of the Dr. Habib Levy Program in Iranian Jewish History. Housed in the Caroline and Joseph S. Gruss Building, the Habib Levy Collection overlooks a charming Persian garden, also donated by the Merage Family.


Pictured: TAU Governor Laura Merage with a picture of her late grandfather, Dr. Habib Levy, at the inauguration


President Joseph Klafter, who led the inaugural ceremony, shared his hope that students will be inspired by the garden and the vast knowledge furnished by the library, as well as by the legacy of Habib Levy.


A medical professional, scholar and Zionist with a lifelong dedication to preserving history, Dr. Habib Levy believed in the power of education as a change agent. Laura Merage said of her grandfather, "He dreamed about eradicating anti-Semitism through education, and he would have been proud to have his collection of rare books here at the University."


Joining the Merage family at the inauguration of the library was Prof. Meir Litvak, current Director of the Alliance Center for Iranian Studies, and Prof. David Menashri, who founded the Center. Chairman of the American Friends of TAU Jon Gurkoff and CEO Gail Reiss also attended.


Pictured: The Dr. Habib Levy Collection for Jewish Iranian History and Heritage 

President Klafter noted that the gift was not only a generous commemoration of Dr. Habib Levy and his family, but further contributed to the "perpetuation of the history of the Jewish Community of Iran."


The inaugural ceremony was followed by a colloquium on the Jews of Iran and Israel held by the Alliance Center for Iranian Studies and The Dr. Habib Levy Program for Iranian Jewish History.


Click here for the Dr. Habib Levy Collection for Jewish Iranian History and Heritage Inauguration photo gallery